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Academia 2.0

The eventual chaos of an overflowing desk and the lugging around of a ton of books and papers in the library is the bane of every student doing a research article, dissertation or thesis. Cue is a research tool which every researcher of any kind can not do without in the Web 2.0 […]

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Tweet for boobs and SA charities

No, this is not an unsavoury campaign in any way. It is, however, a very noble and innovative campaign aiming at raising money for Breast Cancer Research. Tweet for Boobs is a US-based initiative in which Twitter users can use the tag #tweetforboobs and even mention @tweetforboobs in their status updates. For a good summary, […]

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Microsoft’s $300m attempt to sell us Vista

I have written before on Apples onslaught on Microsoft and if Microsoft will survive and retaliate with some brilliant innovation. It seems they’ve opted for fixing their current product and marketing the idea that their new product is much better … and they’re marketing it wholesale to the public. Microsoft has petitioned the ad agency […]

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Things Twitter should have

A few things about Twitter have been irritating me recently and this has everything to do with its lack of versatility. Twitter’s alert function, which can syndicate “tweets” to any third party device or application (Mobile, Facebook, etc.), leaves much to be desired in terms of customising its functionality. For one thing, I would like […]

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How to create the ultimate password

When it comes to passwords, there are two objectives we need to achieve. Passwords need to be secure and easily remembered and accessible. In today’s climate of multiple logins to our social networks, websites, banks, email, etc, we tend to get lazy and stick to a single password which we use everywhere, which poses a […]

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Twitter, Plurk and Kwippy: Let the games begin

Twitter, Plurk and Kwippy are the micro-blogging platforms gaining the most traction among micro-blogging enthusiasts at the moment. Twitter is leading the pack with Plurk following closely behind. Kwippy is the new kid on the block, being an Indian start-up which is, at the moment, invite-only but is looking at spreading its API out to […]

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Social media fatigue

After all the noise and excitement which came with the dawn of Social Media, we are now seeing signs of the Web 2.0 slowing and becoming a part of everyday life. Similar to what happened with email, it was a big launch and now it’s everywhere. Nielsen Online, the online buzz monitor, showed an approximately […]

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Protest 2.0

We’ve all seen the use of Twitter in organising real-life protests at a moments notice. Examples are rife across Europe and the US, especially San Francisco where we’ve seen activists using Twitter to organise and co-ordinate an anti-war protest. Another example of the innovative use of Social Media in this way is that of James […]

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Can Microsoft survive the Apple onslaught?

Apple has established itself on a very premium platform — all style, design and brilliant functionality. After the iPod, the brand image has hardly seen even the slightest decline in its brand equity. The launch of the iPhone and the Macbook Air, with all the flair of Steve Jobs as he cleverly launched them during […]

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Have we forgotten why we’re here?

I had an interesting encounter with a car guard this weekend. This experience made me realise how much I take for granted and how the little things we do in life can have the most profound consequences for people and sometimes for our environment as well. On Saturday, as I was going to the bank, […]

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Hate 2.0

Of all the great things the age of social media has ushered in, let’s not be blinded to the emergence of the age old affliction which has plagued humanity ever since Kane took out Abel…Hate. Hate speech was there ever since people could speak, write, through the days of the printing press, book publication, audio […]

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Marketing 2.0

Let’s start with what we already know… With the advent of the Internet, and even more so with Web 2.0, the world has shrunk: vastly different cultures and people are connected in ways never thought possible. It is no longer strange to have friends, family and acquaintances in Indonesia, Moscow and Peru and interact with […]