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Is your budget slowing down your business

A budget is one of the most important decision-making tools in any business, providing guidelines that steer the future of your enterprise. It goes without saying that if your budget is slowing down your business, it may be time to invest in specialist tools to make things faster and easier. There are three clear signs […]

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Client-driven development the key to software success

Close partnerships with clients are the key to success for software development companies. Whether you’re developing for an individual consumer or for business, giving customers what they truly need and want is the best route to long-term success. We like to develop new functionality and modules in partnership with specific clients. Once we’ve identified a […]

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Risk management: It’s not rocket science

Life is not under our control, and risk is ever-present. Fortunately, many risks can be reduced by acting with basic common sense, and many can be insured against. For example, the biggest physical risk most of us face every day is getting into our cars. But if you obey traffic rules and drive defensively, you […]

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Sailing the stormy seas of recession

The world is moving yet again towards the threat of recession: exchange rates are yo-yoing, and even our kids know that “double dip” is not a kind of ice-cream topping. Under these circumstances, the natural instinct of many is to batten down the hatches and find a safe shelter in which to weather out the […]

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Great leadership needs great information

The difference between leadership and mere management often boils down to just one thing: vision. People follow leaders because they are able to paint a picture of a future that is so desirable that it inspires people to do what they ordinarily wouldn’t. But to be inspiring, a vision also needs to be believable. Otherwise, […]

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Activity-based costing — beware the pitfalls

Judging by the number of customer enquiries about it, we appear to be in the middle of another wave of enthusiasm for activity-based costing (ABC). In theory, ABC is a powerful analytical tool for helping businesses understand exactly what makes them tick. But is the insight delivered worth the extra cost of implementation? Although our […]

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The great software decision: Build or buy?

There are some kinds of software you just buy: word processors, email clients and anti-virus packages are obvious examples. But when it comes to software that serves more specialised needs in the organisation, like financial systems, many people wonder if it wouldn’t be better to build their own. At least that way, the argument goes, […]

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Finance v IT: How to make the relationship work

It shouldn’t be news to anybody when I say that the relationship between accountants and IT people is not always a happy one. Our priorities often conflict, each of us speaks a jargon that is impenetrable to the other and there’s a lingering suspicion on both sides that we’re being set up to take the […]